Grevilleas provide great screens and excellent bird habitat
Pick up a handful of the soil. Note its colour and texture. A darker, coarser soil is hopefully higher in organic matter. Basically the darker, coarser and fluffier the soil the luckier you are! Be sure to look for worms and insects in the soil. A healthy soil will be active with life. If the soil is rocky and/or a light grey colour is has potentially been washed of organic matter which will make it significantly harder for many plants. Showy exotics and food producers will suffer most in a soil void of decaying organic matter, but don’t lose heart because the right plants will love these conditions and will thrive.
Note: If you don’t have a garden base plan please refer to previous blog
Understanding your garden: Creating a Garden Base plan & site assessment 101
Grasslands look most natural in the years post planting, when the original plants have self seeded and specimens of various ages co-exist
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